2020 and Beyond

This was originally posted over at penguin-capers.com.

To begin things, I will note that this is my re-launched site, so I will have to re-write my book recommendation post! I have a bunch more to add, which will be beneficial to re-do this anyway.

Happy New Year! It’s the beginning of a new year and I do not wish to look back on the old one. I look forward to what this year brings for me and my family. I’ve come a long way since the end of 2016 and 2017 since those years were rather rough for me, personally. Comics-wise things have been rough since 2013, but enough about the past!

The future is looking bright for Penguin Capers and Lifesong. I have a lot of completion underway for these works in progress. Both Penguin Capers and Lifesong will have a lot of extra content, so be sure to check out my $5+ Premium Patron subscription. Canine Kid will most likely be returning this year, but I have a lot going on already.

I plan on re-drawing the first couple of adventures of Penguin Capers since they turned out to be vague and rather amateurish 14, 15 years ago. This will, I feel, since I have so many other things(like working too much and family obligation) going on at the same time, will have to be one of those “as I have time” to finish pages, but I will get there.

ANYway, 2019 was a lucky year to finish a bunch of pages, so 2020 is looking that much more lucky for my creative work.

What goals have you set for 2020?